Leptobotia tientainensis
Wu, 1930
Synonyms: Botia compressicauda, Botia tientainensis, Leptobotia hansuiensis, Leptobotia tientaiensis, Leptobotia tientaiensis hansuiensis
Order: Cypriniformes
Family: Cobitidae
Genus: Leptobotia
Environment: Freshwater; demersal
Climate: Temperate
Distribution: Asia: China.
Fang, P. W. 1936. Study on the Botoid fishes of China, Sinensia, Nanking, 1936, 7, 1, pp. 1—49. 6 text fig.
National Research Institute Of Biology
P. W. Fang
Research fellow in Zoology of the Institute.
— Pages 16-17—
4. Botia (Hymenophysa) tientainensis Wu
Botia tientainensis, Wu, 1930, Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, 2. Ser., II, 5, pp. 258-259, fig. 3; (Tientai, Chekiang) ;— Tchang, 1930, PEtud. Cyprin. Bassin. Yantze, pp. 154- 155; 1933, Zool. Sinica, B, II, 1, pt. i, p. 201, fig. 104.
Description — „A single type specimen. Length of body to base of caudal 82 mm. Depth of body 4.8 in length without caudal; length of head 4.3. Length of snout in head 2.7; diameter of eye 9.5; interorbital 3.3; depth of caudal peduncle 1.5; its length 1.2; pectoral 1.7; ventral 1.9; longest dorsal ray 1.8; longest anal ray 1.2; base of dorsal 2; that of anal 3.8; depth of head 1.6; maxillary barbel 4.9.
Body elongate and compressed, head tapering toward tip of head, the dorsal profile of head and body sloping or somewhat arched. Interorbital space wider than eye diameter; eye situated nearer tip of snout than hind border of opercle. Suborbital spine bifid, reaching middle of eye. Nostrils close together, nearer eye than tip of snout. Barbels 6: 4 rostral and 2 maxillary, the latter longest, 2 times longer than diameter of eye. D. 3/7, its origin nearer caudal base than tip of snout. A. 3/5, short, with its origin situated in the middle between ventral and caudal bases, tip of depressed anal well before caudal base. P. 1/12, a little longer than ventral, occupying about anterior 1/3 of the interspace from P-axil to V-origin. V. 2/7, originating opposite origin of dorsal, folded ventral reaching vent, which is nearer V-axil than origin of anal. Caudal fin somewhat truncate, but according to Mr. K. F. Wang’s observation on some additional specimens from the same locality, it is a little emarginate, shorter than head. Scales minute, more or less regular. Lateral line complete, along middle of body and tail, slightly convex before dorsal origin. Sensory pores present on head.
Color, in alcohol, uniformly olive-grey above and whitish below; origin of dorsal & opercle marked with dark; caudal with series of dark spots.„ (after Wu-Tchang).
Distribution — Tientai, Chekiang.