Sinogastromyzon sichangensis
Chang, 1944
Order: Cypriniformes
Family: Balitoridae
Genus: Sinogastromyzon
Environment: Freshwater; demersal
Climate: Subtropical
Distribution: Asia: Jinsha-jiang and upper Chang-jiang in Sichuan and Hubei provinces, China
Notes on the fishes of Western Szechwan and Eastern Sikang. Sinensia [Chungking], 15 1944: pp. 27-60.
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Sinogastromyzon sichangensis, n. sp.
Three specimens, Nos. 2086, 2094, 2095, from Anning River near Taihochang, Sichang, in June, 1942, 51-61 mm. in total length, 40-50 mm. in standard length. D. 2,8; A. 2,5; P. 23-25, anterior 11-12 simple, posterior 12-13 branched; V. 14-17, anterior 6-7 simple, posterior 8-11 branched. L. l. 73-75; L. tr. 12/9-A. Depth in standard length 5.0-6.3; greatest width of body 3.7-4.1; head 4.7-4.8; of pectoral disc 2.2-2.8; ventral disc 2.6-3.3. Depth of head in its length 1.7-1.9, width of head 0.8-0.9; eye 14.8-5.8; snout 1.8-1.9; interorbital space 2.0-2.4; postorbital space 3.1-3.3; longest ray of dorsal 1.1-1.2, of anal 1.4-1.6. Predorsal space 45-48% of standard length.
Head and anterior part of body greatly depressed and ventrally flattened. Dorsal profile evenly curved throughout; greatest depth of body near dorsal origin; broadest part shortly before ventrals; posterior part of body cylindrical behind ventral axilla; C-peduncle compressed. Head much depressed, broader than long. Snout broad, spatulate, and slightly protruded at the middle, twice as broad as long. Eye superolateral, with free orbital margin. Nostrils separated by an enlarged flap, close together in front of eye; poterior one larger, anterior in a short tube. Mouth inferior, crescent-shaped, about 1/3 of the width of head. Lower jaw partly exposed and provided with a sharp horny edge. Lips thin and continuous at the angle of mouth; a series of 9 papillae along the anterior lip; posterior to and intercalated with this series being a row of less prominent papilliae; posterior lip lined by a single series of ill-distinguished papillae. A broad, deep rostral groove in front of mouth. Four small rostral barbels on lower surface of snout, overhanging before the mouth; maxillary barbels at each angle of mouth, the outer one relatively longer and stouter. Dorsal originated slightly nearer to the tip of snout than to the base of caudal, its longest ray shorter than head. Pectoral overlapping the ventral, which is originated in advance of the dorsal and united with its fellow of the opposite side posteriorly. Anal not reaching the emarginated caudal, slightly longer than head. A muscular band present above the base of ventral. Urogenital papilla distinct, situated immediately in front of anal origin. The pelvic basipterygium of this species posseses a well-developed posterior median horn and an obtuse anterior one, which is not concave on the inner side. Lateral foramen enlarged and connected with the 6th midified rib by ligment.
This new species differs essentially from all known species in having more scales in L. l.