Horaglanis alikunhii

Subhash Babu & Nayar, 2004. Siluriformes . Clariidae.

Environment: Demersal; freshwater.

Description: D 24; A 17; P highly vestigal; V 6; C 30. Body elongate, eel-like, head is elongated. Barbels four pairs, eyes completely absent. Gill membranes united at the anterior end near the lower jaw. Dorsal fin long, with 24 rays arising in advance of the origin of pelvic fins; anal fin with 17 rays originating far behind the origin of pelvics; both dorsal and anal fins terminating at base of caudal fin.  Pectoral fins minute, highly vestigial, leaf-like, with rounded margin, supported by short central axis and 9 rays; pelvic fins long, conspicuous, supported by 6 rays, second ray distally branched. Caudal fin large rounded  with  pointed tip, supported by 30 rays, middle 10 rays branched at their ends. Total length 32 mm.

History: On May 15, 2000 was obtained a single specimen at a depth of 8.5 m, while digging a new well in the void laterite soil of Parappukara. The fish was collected live from a narrow crevice on the sidewall of the well through which water was flowing out.

Colouration: The live fish was translucent with visible blood capillaries, so that the fish appeared a beautiful red. The red colour of live fish due to the abundance of erythrocytes in the superficial blood capillaries is probably an adaptation in oxygen-deficient waters in this habitat.

Habitat: Subterranean channel in lateritic rocks.

Distribution: Asia: India, Parappukara (10°23’N, 76°15’E), Trichur district Kerala.



