Micronema moorei
Smith, 1945.
Synonym: Kryptopterus moorei
Classification: Order: Siluriformes; Family: Siluridae
Environment: Benthopelagic; freshwater.
Description: A 66-68; P i,13; V i, 7. Body elongate and compressed markedly convex behind head and slightly flat rearwards; head depressed; snout bluntly rounded; eyes small, covered with sebaceous membrane and located in forepart of head; mouth shallowly arc, both jaws equal in length; teeth in both jaws villiform, single patch of vomerine teeth; barbels two pairs, rostral one reaching the end of pectoral fin and chin one reaching base of pectoral fin; branchial membrane free; skin naked; lateral line straight. Dorsal fin lacking, anal fin rays 66-68, end of pectoral fin overpassing origin of anal fin, ventral fin small, caudal fin deeply forked and lower lobe longer. Coloration; in life, body color silvery white and fins semitransparent. Total length up to 240 mm (male).
Habitat/Biology: Inhabits streams in the rivers and lakes of the plains in the belt of rainforests of the Oriental Region. Ordinarily they live in rivers and lakes but when these are flooded in rainy season they also go to canals, swamps and marshes. Migrates for breeding, carnivorous fish, feeds mainly on small fishes as well as prawns and insect larvae.
Distribution: Asia: The river system of the Mekong River; China (Xishauangbanna, autonomous prefecture of Yunnan Province), Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, mainly in Chao Phrya River of Thailand.